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 EPRA - East Park Revitalization Alliance 

East Park Revitalization Alliance is a non-profit organization located in Strawberry mansion, Philadelphia, PA.


The aim of this organization is to empower the community by providing accessible nutrition education and healthy food services. By establishing programs such as community gardens, after-school programs and a food pantry, EPRA focuses on local issues regarding community health and sustainability.

Project type: School project

Project focus:  Creating a credible website

Project year:  December 2018 
Project duration:  4 months 


The goal of this project was to get familiar with the potential audience and aim to solve the challenges the organization faces in terms of growth.

 Community Interview Takeaway 

1. "The struggle is to keep everything running."  - Suku John, Ph.D (head of the organization)

2. For the past 9 months there has not been a single grant application approved.

3. A former colleague started a Facebook page which hasn't been updated in a long time.

4. Most of the neighborhood doesn't have access to the internet.

5. The heuristic evaluation highlights that the current website has been frequently hacked and lacks credibility.


6. The website has confusing & unorganized content.

7. Grant funding would help them achieve more outreach.

8. "Word of mouth" is the key source of sharing about the organization within the community.

 Grant Partner Interview Takeaway 

Dan O'Brian
Deputy Director, Office of Grants, City of Philadelphia


1. He is a fan of EPRA.

2. Dan confirmed that a website is one of the essential elements for any organization that requires funding and that grantors need to be confident that EPRA is organized and can handle funds.

3. He highlighted a few key elements (breadth of program, upcoming events, articles, etc.) that a grantor focuses on while viewing an organization's website.

 Journey Map 

The key takeaways from the interview highlighted the requirement for a credible website that supports the future prospects of the organization's grant applications.We iterated a journey map as a next approach to identify & highlight key pain-points a grant partner comes across in their process.

Journey map.jpg

 Conceptual Mockup 

Copyright to Vraj Shah
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