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 Inventory by Node - A Finance & Supply Chain monitoring dashboard 

AbbVie's objective for this project was to improve Inventory Management for Legacy Allergan Products. The focus was to enable AbbVie Operations Finance and Supply Chain business access to Allergan Inventory Data and provide an Inventory-by-Node (phase) application in KINNECT (former name), now Ops Launchpad.

 Key pain-ponts 

Prone to manual error

Mapping down nodes and calculating costs were time consuming

“The current process of making the data ready for management users is open to human error and difficult to manually map nodes, input key materials, calculate cost per patient and format.” - Key stakeholder (Associate Director, Global Planning Finance)

 Multi-functional dashboard 


Detailed data view for in-depth analysis with export capability for all brands

Automated insights for real-time review

Ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams for maximum efficiency

Copyright to Vraj Shah
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